The baby is not happy

There was a time when she was depressed. At first, she would take care of the flower, but later, she no longer cared about it.

then, before she left, the flower withered.

an yanmo had tried many ways to save her, but to no avail. After that, they searched all over the country, but they couldn't find this species.

All of a sudden, he regained what he had lost.

even though she knew that it was only the flowers she liked and not the flowers she wanted, at this moment, it could be considered as a kind of comfort.


that night, an yanmo went to bed early.

After taking a shower, an Xiaowan lay in her room and tossed and turned. She held her phone in her hand and tossed and turned on the bed. She looked at the silent WeChat message and her face became more and more unhappy.

the message stopped at the one she sent, saying that she wanted to stay at home with her father, and huo shen did not respond.

big pig trotters!