Eloped together?

Although an Xiaowan felt a little more at ease knowing that he could walk, she still couldn't accept the fact that an yanmo had suddenly left on his own.

"what do we do now?" She grabbed her phone and looked at Huo Shen.

Where would Daddy go?

an jiancheng quickly set off to look for her, and then huo shen called his own people to look for her. an xiaowan sat in the car, looking at the time and then at the scenery that flew past. she felt almost suffocated.

his father left in the early hours of the morning, and it was already nine in the morning.

During this time, even if he took a car, he would have already left the Imperial City, not to mention that there were so many other means of transportation.

As the car sped along, Huo Shen looked at his phone and heaved a sigh of relief. "i've checked all the flight and train information, but there's no record of his ticket purchase."

Upon hearing this, an Xiaowan was also slightly relieved.