chapter 1679-shuning who looks like him

in an instant, he didn't have time to think and just jumped down.

there was only one thought in her mind-

Save him, she had to save him.

Jing luochen didn't understand why he felt an inexplicable warmth from an yanmo, and why he suddenly cared about the life and death of a stranger.

Perhaps, it was this warm feeling that made him yearn for it.

on the surface of the sea, there were still turbulent waves.

The two of them seemed to have experienced a great disaster. They fell into a deep sleep on the shore, and because of the cold brought by the sea breeze, they shivered and curled up into a ball.

From sunrise to sunset.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and the two of them were finally awoken by the cold wind.

Jing luochen was the first to wake up. His face, which was as beautiful as a Prince's in a comic, showed a touch of surprise.

then, he reacted and sat up, hurriedly looking at the middle-aged man beside him.