I won't hurt our relationship

The sky gradually darkened.

the setting sun in the distance was particularly beautiful today. it was orange-yellow, as if it was suffused with golden light, and it was reluctant to leave.

when huo shen quickly arrived, he saw a woman squatting there in a daze under the beautiful setting sun from a distance. it was as if her whole body was frozen.

huo shen's entire body froze at the sight.

She looked very lost, and no one knew how long she had been squatting.

He frowned and hurried to an Xiaowan's side. He squatted down and tried to pull her up.

however, an xiaowan stood there stiffly, unwilling to move.

"Xiao Wan."

"xiao wan?"

after being called twice, an xiaowan looked at him slowly and frowned.

"How long have you been here?" huo shen's voice was tense. his dark eyes were locked on her face, observing all the subtle expressions on her face. " why did you suddenly come back? "