a mysterious corner

huo shen didn't follow them. he waited for a while before he got up and said to old master huo's subordinates and grandma wu, " i'm going to walk around. "

Then, he left.

In the room that was filled with the fragrance of tea, only an Xiaowan and grandma Wu were left.

an xiaowan had been in the entertainment industry for a long time, so she could naturally make the atmosphere lively and not make the other party feel annoyed. Thus, the old and young were very happy.

After a while, her phone vibrated.

the message was sent by huo shen with an "OK" emoji.

an xiaowan's lips curved up. she drank a little tea and leaned over affectionately, " "Grandma Wu, you've been sitting here for quite a while, shouldn't you go out for a walk? it's stuffy in here, shall i accompany you?"

At grandma Wu's age, her back would ache if she sat for too long every day, so she naturally liked to take a walk.