youzi fainted!

otherwise, he had always respected this old butler, so why would he sneer at his words and be so disrespectful?

Mrs. Huo tried to hide her expression and said, " " why don't we forget about it for now? don't be rash. let's go back and think about what to do. "

after all, they had officially registered their marriage and it was not easy to turn back.

after a long time of persuasion, mr. huo was finally pulled away.

The rest of the people were naturally ordered to leave. Huo Shen held an Xiaowan's hand and led his men out of the Huo family mansion under everyone's gaze.

Until she got into the car, an Xiaowan still felt that it was very unreal.

Even though Huo Shen had been holding her hand, her hand was still cold and could not be warmed.

the moment she got into the car, her legs couldn't help but go soft.