Xia duo started school

Xia duo was stunned. He needed a chauffeur to send him to class?

She quickly opened her mouth to refuse, but the other party had already hung up.

Looking at the black screen, Xia duo could only sigh.

Wasn't this family a little too rich? they paid such a high salary and treated their tutors so well. If this profession was put on the market, how many people would go crazy for it?

xia duo didn't think for long before she got up and started to pack up her drawing board, canvases, dyes, and other items. she even brought along a beginner's book on basic painting.

after that, he started tidying himself up.

after all, they were from a rich family. even their upbringing had to be proper and proper so as not to taint their family name.

At 3:50 in the afternoon, Xia duo went downstairs in advance to wait for the car. She didn't expect to see a luxury car parked in the community.