don't believe me, huo shen!

Very quickly, the guards who were already prepared in the surroundings had already surrounded the place.

Beams of light shone into the room.

an xiaowan and huo shen didn't even have time to hide before they were surrounded by fergora's soldiers.

At the same time, a man in a wheelchair was slowly being pushed closer from not far away.

The man's eyes were cold, and his whole body exuded an aura that kept people away, gloomy and terrifying.

what was even stranger was that everyone had surrounded an xiaowan and huo shen, but no one stepped forward to attack them until the man came in front of them.

"ms. an, you're finally back."

When the crowd heard his voice, they made way for him in unison, allowing him to walk in front of them.

an xiaowan frowned. before she could speak, she heard the man coldly curve his lips and speak again, " " from now on, fergora will treat you as a distinguished guest. we will give you whatever you want. "