welcome, your highness

"ah, ah, ah, it's your highness li!"

"oh my god, did i see a ghost? or has his highness qianqian returned?"

"your highness!"

Gong Li had always been very popular in figra, and everyone respected and loved him. Therefore, when they saw someone who looked like Gong Li, they immediately clamored. he was both shocked and surprised.

gong li was dressed in black, and his expression was cold and a little anxious.

He looked at the crowd and pursed his lips slightly. He made a hand gesture for everyone to be quiet.

Everyone's expressions entered his eyes, and he couldn't help but sigh. this place was his home. it was the place where he was born and raised. how could he not miss it? Many of these people were familiar to him, so how could he not miss them?

However, it was a little awkward.

"All of you, please be quiet. Please don't spread the news of my return."

gong li looked around.