Youzi is asking for help

mr. huo's eyes suddenly fixed on the person who looked like the captain of the team. His clothes were also different from the others, and he looked slightly older.

his ears quivered.

" i knew it! " mr. huo couldn't help but take a step back, his eyes full of disbelief.

on this person's earlobe, there was indeed the symbol of that organization from back then!

In the past, almost every underground organization would tattoo their own unique team logo on their members. For example, this organization would draw a black vulture on the earlobe. From a distance, the ear would look a little ferocious.

however, after so many years, the black organization that once dominated a region seemed to have disappeared from this world. they all thought that huo shen had killed all of them.

he didn't expect that

It turned out that he had already taken her in for his own use.

moreover, after so many years, he had not revealed a single thing to his family.