i'll thank you properly on his behalf

what? ni huan?

why is she here?!

an xiaowan's breathing suddenly became a little unstable. she suddenly strode out, her high heels stepping with a very domineering rhythm.

like a gust of wind, she stood outside the door of the next room.

she gently raised her hand and knocked on the door.

her movements were very light. although her heart was not calm, her expression was already extraordinarily elegant and charming, full of a myriad of flirtatious and absolute beauty.

Luo, who opened the door, was stunned.

She had a bright smile on her face, which was a huge contrast to the slightly stiff Jing Huan. Luo's eyes lit up.

he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. the child of the jing family's daughter, who was as beautiful as a fairy, should be as beautiful as miss an.

An Xiaowan's beautiful eyes raised slightly and she walked inside.

as if she didn't see jing huan, she pouted her red lips and walked straight towards huo shen.