an xiaowan and her best friend shared a husband

[ mysterious woman and mysterious child. Young master Huo has secretly formed-family. ]

- illegitimate child or young master? Should the first place of the Golden Bachelor be changed?

----Young master Huo's Hidden Marriage, his lovely wife in person, is the supermodel an Xiaowan, or is it someone else?

The headlines were all very eye-catching. After clicking on it, it was even more interesting to watch. The entire exposé was simply made into a story. It was very rich.

It was a photo of ni Huan and youzi.

When an Xiaowan, ni Huan, and youzi had appeared together, they had been secretly photographed. At that time, the explanation given was that the child was ni Huan's, so this matter was quickly dug up and confirmed the child's identity.

As a result, there was another round of hot discussion.


the first young master of the imperial capital, huo shen, was two-timing! an xiaowan was a good friend's mistress!