chapter 1848-being a father and a husband

all the shares?

Leave the Huo group?

Oh my God, what was going on tonight?

the entire conference room was dead silent at first, then it turned into a terrible chaos.

no one could hold it in any longer. they felt that everything that had happened tonight was beyond their ability to accept.

even mr. huo's expression changed.

however, he couldn't say anything in front of so many people. he could only lower his voice and yell at huo shen, " Shen 'er, you're being unreasonable. Are you giving up everything for a woman? "

huo shen looked at mr. huo indifferently. his eyes were very cold and distant, as if there was no emotion in them.

mr. huo's heart seemed to have been hit by something.

His ears were ringing with his son's words, " the shares were all transferred to mr. huo qilin.

Mr. Huo Qilin.

That one sentence seemed to have pushed him far away.

huo shen didn't stay any longer. he just placed a signed document in front of huo qiling.