youzi wants to see mommy every day

Huo Qilin took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and suddenly pulled Mrs. Huo into his arms.

They were each other's support, confidants, and comrades who had fought side by side for so many years.

they had gone through a lot together, and his wife had also given up a lot.

mrs. huo was stunned, and the bun in her hand fell to the ground.

this was the first time yingying had felt such a warm hug from him in all these years.

mrs. huo closed her eyes and couldn't help but cry.

not far away, in a car that had its engine turned off, a pair of eyes were looking through the reflective lens at the harmonious scene in the car outside.

His face and eyes were stunned the moment he saw them hugging.

Then, it suddenly became even colder.

That kind of coldness seemed to be cold to the bone, a bone-chilling cold.

like an ice blade, it pierced into his heart.

this was truly a blissful scene for yingying.