The empty Huo Corporation Board of Directors

the next day, as the " night " brand event was about to begin, huo shen and an xiaowan planned to go to the venue to take a look and observe the surrounding environment to imagine the possible situation.

after all, it was his first time, so he had to be more careful.

so, an xiaowan and the others packed their things and said goodbye to youzi, then set off.

at the same time, the huo corporation's board meeting was officially held.

The reason for this meeting was because of Huo Shen's departure. Mr. Huo had thought about the distribution of some matters and made some arrangements. He planned to hold a meeting to discuss everyone's opinions and stabilize the morale of the Army.

however, when mr. huo arrived at the meeting room a little earlier, there were only a few people in it.

everyone liked to arrive early, and this situation was unprecedented.