Change to another woman!

The next second, an Xiaowan and Huo Shen were still tied up.

There were too many people here, and they wanted to preserve their strength to see figora's current condition, so Huo Shen did not resist and let them tie him up.

Then, they were surrounded by a group of soldiers and brought to the front of a Palace.

An Xiaowan could recognize that this was Gong Li's Palace.

she heaved a sigh of relief.

when she heard the soldier say that there was no prince, only the palace master, to be honest, she was so scared that she was instantly stunned. he wondered if something had happened to gong li and that there was a new hall master now.

however, when she entered gong li's palace, an xiaowan was slightly stunned.

The decoration style of the surroundings seemed to be very different from before.