The woman in the portrait

From the current situation, that place might be the place where the truth was hidden.

"That Island has long been uninhabited, but if you want to know the location, you can." Weber sighed. now, it's time to put an end to this hatred that has been going on for generations.

An Xiaowan paused and asked again,"at that time, in the palace where I lived, there were a few medical books randomly placed. Whose were they?"  

A medical book?

Wilbur was stunned at first, unable to react.

Then, he suddenly realized and immediately said,"If it's a medical book, I'm afraid it can only be that foreign woman." he paused and added,"it's the woman who looks very similar to you, an xiaowan."  

In an instant, the air froze.

An Xiaowan's eyes suddenly rolled. For a moment, she could not tell what complicated emotions were in them.

her heart was beating very fast.