The Huo Corporation is going to change

"mr. huo, i have a guess." Secretary Shen saw that Mr. Huo was at his wits "end and couldn't help but raise his head.

although this kind of speculation could not be said carelessly, the more secretary shen thought about it, the more suspicious he felt.

" you asked me to keep an eye on the families that have a grudge against the huo family. i've done it all, and they don't seem to have anything strange. " as secretary shen spoke, he lowered his voice and said, " then, i personally followed a few shareholders 'meetings. as a result, when i was sorting out the photos yesterday, i found that in almost every scene, there was a repeated figure of yingluo. "

" who? " huo qilin's eyes narrowed.

at first, I thought it was just a coincidence. After all, we have no grudges with him. Secretary Shen found it hard to say, because that man had always been on good terms with the Huo family.