inheriting the shares

the first word made huo qilin's head feel like it had been hit by something. he was instantly stunned.

It was as if all the blood in his body had rushed into his head.

His temple throbbed with pain.

"what did you just say?" Mr. Huo struggled for a long time before he found his voice. However, it still seemed to be coming out from the gaps between his teeth, hoarse and tense.

Ye Jingyan's expression was still calm. He looked at Mr. Huo and smiled, " "have you forgotten the woman who gave up everything for you and was killed by the huo family?"

In front of so many shareholders, ye Jingyan actually didn't care about these past events at all!

mr. huo was shocked and took a step back.

"what are you talking about? why don't i know about it?" mr. huo said in a deep voice.