Chapter 1898-another sacrifice

fortunately, even though there was no electricity, the iron mesh was basically fixed.

they were divided into 12 small teams of three. 11 of them had already reported back. the remaining one probably called for another person to bring back more iron wires, probably because the damage was more severe.

However, there was still no news after half an hour.

At nine O 'clock, the captain ran back with a bloody hand and a face full of fear.

"lord huo! young master huo!"

he almost fell down the stairs, and his eyes were full of panic.

"master huo, my team member, yingluo, has been sacrificed!"


an xiaowan was so frightened that she hurriedly stood up and looked at the disheveled man who had rushed in. There were many bloodstains on his body, and his hands were also covered in bright red.

"calm down and tell me the details." huo shen put down the things in his hands and looked over.