Her mother!

a thin layer of sweat appeared on an xiaowan's palm. she took a deep breath and flipped the pages.

after that, she didn't read the contents in detail. she just wanted to find out what this medical genius called her child and husband, or her own name.

She only stopped when she reached the middle of the page.

Half of the words were blurred out. It seemed that she was crying while writing, so the ink was smudged.

- -360th day since I arrived here.

our wanwan doesn't want ink, i'm wrong, a fresh life is being tortured, but i can't do anything. i can't go anywhere, yingluo can only stay in this room, trying my best yingluo to study yingluo

an xiaowan's hand suddenly trembled.

Although the words on this page were extremely blurred, and many sentences were blocked so that the meaning could not be seen clearly.

However, the two words 'Wanwan' were extremely clear.

Wanwan, mo Qianqian

an xiaowan suddenly fell to the ground, her body weak.