the ground is collapsing!

The three captains stopped. Team one and team two quickly said, " "There's a problem with both routes, so we can only come here."

after asking about the situation, huo shen's expression suddenly became serious.

"everyone, get ready for battle and advance quickly!" huo shen took a deep breath and said,"We must evacuate everyone within half an hour."

It was a little too late.

the sky gradually darkened.

although an xiaowan was the only woman here, she did not slow down and kept up with them very quickly.

Time passed by, minute by minute.

just as they thought that everything would go smoothly, a strange sound came from both sides of the road!

everyone was shocked, and they quickly held onto their guns.

After that, the ground remained silent.

however, an xiaowan felt a strange sense of panic, from the bottom of her feet to her back. even her legs began to feel a little weak.

"huo shen qianqian"