she'll pay this debt

Seeing this, an Xiaowan's heart suddenly turned cold.

I can't develop the antidote, Yingluo.

then, the formula in her memory last time was not the antidote?

She felt a sudden pain in her head, and she couldn't help but rub her temples to force herself to Continue reading.

*** if there are invaders now, or if they look sad and in pain, then i hope that you will help me complete the cruelest thing.

sometimes, being alive was not a good thing. Do you understand?

an xiaowan's whole body was cold, as if all the blood had rushed to her head. for some reason, her eyes suddenly became hot.

Her fingers trembled, almost unable to hold the broken pages.

that's right, being alive was not a good thing at times. As a bystander, her heart ached as she watched Huo Shen go crazy from time to time.

And now, this medical genius had not appeared here to save them.