Friend or foe

initially, when they heard the first exaggerated exclamation, everyone behind was shocked, thinking that something strange and terrifying had happened in front. After all, the series of strange events on the previous Island had already left them with some psychological shadows.

But when they heard the next sentence, everyone was stunned.



how could there be a palace on such a small island?

an xiaowan and huo shen looked at each other when they heard her voice.

The team at the front had already taken a photo from a distance after taking a careful look. They quickly and quietly returned and did not continue to move forward.

They quickly ran back to Huo Shen's position and took out their phones.

Lord Huo, we found an extremely gorgeous Palace in the center of the island, behind the mountains! The person who spoke sounded a little excited. look!

huo shen frowned slightly. after an xiaowan took a look, she was also very surprised.