young president huo's world

among them, there were also some people who were in charge of the safe house and other things. they never showed their faces and participated in any of the huo family's affairs.

after a few phone calls, luo's heart became more and more tense.

there's no reply from the headquarters and branches.

These calls were all emergency calls. There would be people on duty 24 hours a day to ensure that they would receive the call as soon as there was a mission. Therefore, if no one picked up, it meant that there was a problem with the stronghold.

Following that, all the other phone calls were the same.

Just as assistant Luo was about to call the people in the safe house, Huo Shen's eyes suddenly sank and he raised his hand to stop him.

"don't contact him yet."

If the other bases and subordinates were already under their control, then the people in this safe house were their last remaining strength. also, there was this group of people on the ship.