youzi is too smart

why are you so worried? " Mr. Hua frowned. someone will come and save us. What are you worried about? "

"youzi doesn't want to be a burden." youzi furrowed her brows, looking worried.

Looking at youzi, Mr. Hua was slightly stunned.

This really didn't seem like the thoughts of a child. At this age, he shouldn't be worried about anything.

during this period of time, old master hua had long realized that this child's learning ability was at least a hundred times better than the average child. The speed of his growth was also very shocking.

every day, he would change.

he couldn't tell what the changes were, but he felt that he was growing up day by day.

"Have you finished memorizing the poems I asked you to yesterday?" he suddenly said.

youzi immediately reacted and nodded. this time, she didn't hide anything and said directly, "i've memorized the entire book."

"Have you found the solution to the math problem I asked you to think of yesterday?"