youzi fell ill

The next day, an Xiaowan got up very late.

she held her aching waist and washed up with a bitter face. when she went downstairs, she saw jing huan and mrs. huo sitting together and chatting outside the courtyard.

But this time, it was different. Jing Huan had an extra follower.

she followed him wherever he went.

moreover, his expression was very serious.

An Xiaowan couldn't help but smile, thinking that Huo Shen was really fast. without waiting for her instructions, he had already arranged for a very suitable candidate.

She didn't go over, but quickly got up to wash up and go to find Susan.

there were a few more events to attend.

moreover, they needed to further promote their brand.

At the same time, Mr. Hua had returned to his villa and was visited by countless people. they all tried to persuade old hua to spend money to improve the villa's area system. he didn't agree at first, but after thinking about it, he agreed.