Chapter 1999-walking on the path of no return

he even pushed ye jingyan away.

ye jingyan was stunned, and so was everyone else. they didn't expect ye qingqing to have such a reaction.

He had already been hit so hard and was in great pain, but he was pushed to the ground by her. In an instant, pain spread throughout his body.

at the same time, his heart was in even more pain.

"sixth master!"

"sixth master, don't move! I'll call the doctor!"

"Sixth master, are you alright?"

Anxious voices rang out from all around. Although not everyone was truly anxious, at least at this moment, no one would not feel compassion for him.

No one would be so cruel as to push him away so heartlessly.

"I'm fine." ye jingyan's face was tense.

He had looked at ye Qingqing for a long time just now, but all he got was her wandering gaze. so, he retracted his gaze and lowered his head.

Then, he endured the pain all over his body, refused everyone's help, and stood up.