deleting the video

an xiaowan quickly took out the things from the box. just as she was about to run out, she immediately turned back, took out a mask, and covered her head.

in a small box, there were small black pills.

although the box was very small, there were quite a lot of things inside. it was obviously enough for everyone in huo shen's team to take.

two of huo shen's followers followed behind an xiaowan.

The group took the safest route that they had studied before. They were very careful and soon reached the foot of the mountain.

Just as he was about to walk in, a battle seemed to have just quietly ended.

In the huge depression, an Xiaowan could see from a distance that there was a burst of smoke coming out. She adjusted her mask and swallowed a pill.

the silence around them was a little scary.

when they got closer, they could still hear the sounds of gunfire, fighting, and noise. However, at this moment, there was no sound at all.