just like her eyes

xia duo didn't show any abnormality. she just collected her thoughts and sat in the seat she had come to a few times before.

Last time, she had seen the words he had typed and knew that this foppish young master was really infatuated. therefore, she suggested that he draw a portrait of her.

of course, although some of the outlines had to be drawn by him personally, the subsequent embellishments and embellishments were done by xia duo. She thought that she should be able to draw more or less, or at least look good.

most of the time, a gift wasn't about how beautiful it was, but how much sincerity it contained.

Xia duo felt that for him to have such thoughts to learn what other people dreamed of was already something that many men couldn't do.

"last time, you drew the eyebrows, right?"

"Yes, miss Xia." The assistant quickly responded.

Then, the painting was handed out from the window.