it's time to fall in love and get married

[ if you received this gift, how would you respond? ]

If it was her?

xia duo was stunned. she didn't know why, but si linghan's face subconsciously appeared in her mind.

How long had it been?

it seemed that the matter of divorce should have faded away in her mind with the flow of time. However, at this moment, after being casually picked by someone, his appearance had actually appeared so clearly in his mind.

if it was me, ran ran, " Xia duo muttered subconsciously.

her eyes flickered and she lowered them.

What if si linghan had put in so much effort to give her such a gift?

What would she do if the man who never understood her and was unwilling to understand her suddenly put in a lot of effort to try to understand her world?

For a moment, she did not know how to answer.

her heart was in a mess.