xia duo has a boyfriend

it really looked like it.

But why did they look so similar?

It must be a coincidence.

xia duo's eyes widened and she couldn't help but swallow her saliva. she looked behind the wall and vaguely glanced.

He couldn't see anyone.

obviously, this was one-way. she had never seen who was sitting behind her, how old, or what he looked like. in fact, she had never even heard his voice before.

xia duo frowned slightly and thought to herself that it was probably just a coincidence.

after all, it was normal for people to have similarities.

moreover, she didn't have any unique looks to begin with, and with her drawing, it would be a little unreal.

Perhaps when she was drawing, she had accidentally drawn in her own colors.

yes, that must be the case.

Xia duo suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, let out a breath, and put down the painting with a calm expression.