There's a ghost in Jing Huan

However, si linghan did not do anything.

He sat in the car for a long time before he opened the door and let his assistant in.

He drove back to the SI residence.


an xiaowan had just arrived home when she received the text message.

she was slightly stunned as she looked at the photo of jing huan's back. she enlarged the photo and saw the man sitting opposite jing huan.

An Xiaowan remembered that person's face clearly. She would never mistake him for someone else.

It was ye Jingyan!

there were still scars on his face, and he didn't look too good. his sitting posture was also obviously injured. But the way he spoke to Jing Huan was very natural and smooth. It didn't look like it was their first time meeting.

An Xiaowan's hand trembled slightly.

jing huan, qianqian, and ye jingyan?

How did they end up together!

she walked to the side and asked mrs. huo's servant, " "have you gotten used to living here, miss jing?"