the human experiments back then (xiu)

"so fast?"

everyone quickly got up and gathered in the direction of the door.

usually, when the owner returned, he would go to his own research room to rest. after all, it was always tiring to go out. today, he had suddenly come here, probably because he had heard some news, and had specially come to see this child.

The blue team was a little flustered. They hurriedly stood in front of the door and explained to the woman,"i'm sorry, master. i brought pomelo to your research room today. he studied it for the whole afternoon and didn't touch anything during that time. then, on the way out to eat, he suddenly fainted."

She took off her bulletproof vest and threw her helmet aside. Then, she hurried to youzi's bed.

Everyone silently made way.

a small round figure was lying quietly on the large white hospital bed.