Going to the Huo family to find something

Elder Jing's eyes were cold.

he just looked at her quietly and deeply, not saying a word for a long time.

Jing Huan swallowed his saliva and hurriedly explained, " "grandfather, i haven't been out of the house these days. you know that. Everyone in the Huo family can be my witness! how would i have the opportunity to open the treasury and take things?"

"zhenzhen, ye jingyan." elder jing spat out these three words.

jing huan quickly waved his hands. " that's impossible! I didn't tell him anything about family Jing's Treasury, and I told you just now. I've always been forced by him, but I've never obeyed!"

"Then, where's the key?"

"I, I'll go and look for it again." jing huan quickly searched through all her pockets and bags.

However, it was still empty.

She looked at elder Jing with tears streaming down her face. I'm guessing that it's either in dibei city, or it was stolen by someone!

these days, jing huan had a perfect alibi.