jing luochen's concern

As they spoke, an Xiaowan and Huo Shen couldn't help but get more and more excited, and they simply fell into their fantasy.

the scene was already in his mind.

in the end, an xiaowan accidentally fell asleep in huo shen's arms while laughing.

In her dreams, all her worries had disappeared, and the scenery of the countryside was beautiful beyond words.

The next morning, her phone vibrated.

It was a message from Lu bei.

an xiaowan was in a good mood, so she immediately replied.

seeing that she replied within seconds and that her message was quite long, lu bei knew that she was free. therefore, he made a video call to her.

as soon as the call went through, an xiaowan saw the beautiful castle scenery on lu bei's side and couldn't help but exclaim in her heart.

it's been a long time. How have you been? " Lu bei laughed heartily.

"Not bad, I guess." An Xiaowan shrugged and said cheerfully.