chapter 2064-thoughts like the tide

however, the phone rang for a long time, and no one picked up.

After an Xiaowan hung up, she thought about it and decided to call Hua Zhi.

At the same time, youzi was anxiously rushing home, her head full of sweat. lan fang drove the car at a high speed. finally, in the shortest time possible, he delivered the youzi to the outskirts of dibei city.

youzi hurriedly thanked him as she jumped out of the car and ran home.

his legs were chubby toot meaty, and he looked especially sexy when he ran. the blue team watched from behind and could not help but laugh.

However, he didn't laugh for long before he felt the guard at the door looking at him strangely. He quickly drove the car away.

when youzi ran in hurriedly, she wiped her sweat and said quickly with a smile, " "Hurry up and tell Daddy and Mommy that I'm back!"

as he said that, he ran upstairs.

in the room, an xiaowan had just finished keying in her number and was about to make a call.