the experiment is related to the master doctor?

there were pictures and words on it. the entire page was filled with all kinds of remarks and remarks, or new ideas. there was not even a small space on this side of the paper.

it was filled and densely packed.

Youzi could now recognize most Chinese characters, but at this moment, there were many uncommon characters on the paper, as well as words he had never seen before, which made him feel like he didn't really understand them.

Page by page, he flipped to the back.

youzi's speed of flipping the pages became faster and faster.

However, this booklet was simply too thick.

he flipped through it for a long time, but it was still at the initial stage of the research. there were no real experiments recorded. moreover, this research was a little different from the one in pomelo's memory about the origin of her illness.

There are some places that are similar, but also different.