chapter 2128-being retaliated

after some preparation, the interview finally began.

The entire interview room was exquisitely prepared, and every prop was placed in the position they needed to be in order.

an xiaowan had already put on exquisite light makeup and was still wearing that bright red dress.

The interview began very quickly.

she sat on the sofa on the right, her posture elegant. there was a flirtatious smile on her face, and her eyes were bright.

the host of the talk show was seated on the sofa on the left.

"3,2,1, begin!"

"welcome, everyone, to qian yi talk about wind and cloud!"

the applause was continuous.

let's also welcome our 'guest' today, the world's number one supermodel-an Xiaowan!

The applause grew louder, accompanied by some screams.

an xiaowan remained calm and smiled beautifully. she said a few words of opening remarks that had been arranged.