Chapter 2133-instigating a battle

"What's going on?"

Her face had been under too much knife work. Now, when she made any big expressions, she would feel stiff and uncomfortable, especially when she was angry. however, when she was calm, she was even more beautiful like a fake person. her facial features were actually more or less adjusted according to ye qingqing's appearance.

At this moment, her eyes were wide open in anger. She took a deep breath and said sharply, " "Didn't you say to wait? why isn't it my turn yet? you've violated the contract!"

The next thing she wanted to say was that she wanted to withdraw her investment.

However, she did not expect that someone would come over to invite her immediately.

"Miss Yan, don't be angry. It's your turn soon. quickly change into a clean set of clothes and come on stage with us."

Yan Cheng narrowed her eyes and heaved a sigh of relief. She followed him to change her clothes.

after changing her clothes, yan cheng was brought back to the stage.