the last record book

It was also like there had been a huge gap in his heart for many years, but this sentence had instantly filled up the gap perfectly.

That kind of shocking and indescribable feeling made him almost unable to bear it for a moment.

There was a numbing and numb feeling in his blood.

Jing luochen held the phone for a long time before he managed to calm down.

But he still didn't know how to respond.

hence, he hung his head and held his phone for a long time. he typed a line and then deleted it. he typed and deleted it dozens of times, but he still couldn't send a single sentence.

In the end, he could only sigh and give up.

an xiaowan didn't get a reply, but she didn't care. after all, jing luochen was a cold and noble man in a painting, so it was normal for him not to reply. What's more, elder Jing had said that Jing luochen had severe autism.

she wasn't a kind person for no reason, but she really wanted to help jing luochen.