the experiment ends, never to be restarted again

this burden wasn't just a small annoyance like the one he felt at school when he answered a question wrong.

Youzi could tell that the person who wrote this book was going crazy. she was in guilt every day, and the time she recorded was not fixed at all. sometimes it was three in the morning, sometimes it was very late, and sometimes she would make a record every other day.

The pages after that were mostly empty.

at the same time, in the laboratory not far away, the master doctor looked at the time, pursed her lips, and leaned back in her chair. her eyes were a little sorrowful, but there was also a little bit of waiting, as if she knew that someone would come to find her very soon.

So she didn't leave. She just sat in her seat and occasionally looked up at the lit study.

in the study, grapefruit had almost finished the glass of water.

he got up to go to the toilet and found that the light inside was also on. he was stunned and stopped in his tracks.