I want to go with you

Youzi was stunned for a moment, and the words that she wanted to ask were stuck in her throat.

he raised his eyes to look at the master physician and saw that she had already stood up with a faint trace of anger on her face.

Youzi had heard from Lan Fang that the master healer had built medical stations or laboratories in many places around the world. They did experiments on local diseases and drugs, and helped some sick refugees for free.

Once the medical station was shut down, the local sick refugees would have nowhere to go.

"who's the leader?" the master doctor asked in a deep voice. at the same time, she had already lifted her hand and put on the clothes that she had placed on the back of the chair.

" black star group. " the subordinate replied clearly. it could be seen that the other party was very arrogant and did not completely hide his traces. Rather, it was an obvious declaration of war!