where did they go?

The next morning.

in dibei city, a subordinate brought the news and reported with a heavy face, "young master, young madam, that address is already empty. wang sanhua and her child no longer lived there. As for that husband, he's already abandoned his children because of their illness."

an xiaowan had just gotten up. her long hair was scattered behind her, and she was wearing a light dress, looking a little lazy.

she looked at the subordinate, gently shaking the cup of fresh tea in her hand.

smelling the fragrance of the tea, her lips twitched slightly, and her smile was a little mocking. It was as if he had already expected this answer.

huo shen's focus was different.

he glanced at an xiaowan, and then at the subordinates around her. a sharp light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

A wave of invisible pressure immediately spread out in all directions.

The surrounding air instantly became stagnant, and the air pressure suddenly dropped.