no chance to make up

of course, the blue team would not be let go.

he was brought to dibei city and locked up in the most secure room, under strict supervision.

the blue team paced back and forth in the room for a moment before finally revealing the watch on his wrist. he secretly tapped on the watch and dialed a number.

However, there was a busy tone on the other end.

The chief doctor's phone couldn't be picked up, and no one even answered the phone calls of the chief doctor's subordinates. Someone in the Research Institute picked up the phone, but it was useless. No one could contact the headquarters casually.

Hence, the blue team could only tap on their watch and submit an application form.

An Xiaowan and Huo Shen looked at each other as they watched the blue team's actions through the surveillance camera.

that watch isn't on the market. It should be something they distributed internally. Can it intercept the signal? " an xiaowan asked.