How do you get water?

There seemed to be nothing there, only a barren road.

Moreover, this speed was much faster than he had imagined.

after an xiaowan and huo shen's debate, the decision on who to send was finally made.

huo shen, an xiaowan, assistant luo.

Yes, just the three of them.

the " headquarters " must be heavily guarded. they could only bring a few people to investigate from a distance, and not all of them. that would be too big of a target, and it would be too easy to arouse suspicion. once he became suspicious, he would lose all his chances!

after they stopped at the blue team's starting point, an xiaowan and huo shen officially set off.

In such a short period of time, the address had already moved to a place that was quite far away. It was completely out of the province and out of the country.

Of course, it was still a wasteland.

it was a real wasteland.

it felt like savages would appear at any time in that kind of wasteland.