chapter 2182-sneaking in one after another!

another man who looked almost identical to him walked in. he was wearing heavy clothes.

the blue team swallowed a mouthful of saliva. after looking at the two of them a few times, they finally couldn't help but open their mouths and ask, " may I take the liberty to ask the two Mr. Mo of Xuanji, who is mo da and who is mo er? "

"it's me," he said.

"it's me," he said.

in an instant, two anxious voices rang out at the same time.

Their answers were quick, but they were still two overlapping voices, no one faster than the other.

the two of them frowned at the same time and looked at each other in unison. At the same time, his eyes flashed with hostility as he glared at the other party.

blue team,"hehe."

he opened his mouth slightly, a little shocked.

what's going on?

did they all think that they were great mo?

this wasn't ranked according to the order of birth?