chapter 2198-magical grapefruit

photographic memory?

Mo an looked at the grapefruit again. are you sure that they fed you these pills? "

"Yes, you're right." Youzi nodded, looking serious.

"then how did you see and remember it?"

they'll bring in a medicine tray with medicine bottles on it. The names are written on the bottles. youzi answered clearly.

mo an had already believed it in his heart, so he checked the drugs one by one.

then, he found that most of them were drugs that suppressed the growth of bacteria and increased resistance. some were research drugs that stimulated one's potential. he took a look. most of them were harmless, and only two or three of them had some side effects.

For example, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, anemia, and so on.

mo an heaved a sigh of relief. " it seems like he's fine. "