i'm interested in an alliance

"no!" she said in a deep voice and refused flatly.

his subordinates hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to say another word.

that's right, it was naturally good to silence them, but it was also very rational to cut the weeds and eliminate the roots. However, their Research Center was built to extend human lives, not to kill innocent people.

any parent would be anxious when their child was locked up here without any news.

After that, the master doctor's mind turned a few times. She took a deep breath and accelerated the wheelchair.

the sky darkened.

an xiaowan felt that her actions might have been too reckless, so she quickened her pace and directly rushed to the blue team's location according to the position of the green dot.

However, The Mo Brothers 'residence was not that easy to break into.

However, when she arrived, Huo Shen had already arrived.

He climbed up the wall and carried pomelo out of the house.