i want to spend more time with daddy and mommy

"have you been happy all this time?"

It was a question that was too calm yet filled with doubt. It was obviously not a rhetorical question, but a real question.

youzi was completely stunned.

He subconsciously raised his eyes. At that moment, his eyes met with his mother's, and it was as if his heart had been seen.

there was a kind of shock that caused his heart to tremble.

Youzi took a deep breath, nodded, and said in a trembling voice, "Youzi is very happy."

An Xiaowan's eyes were bloodshot and she looked a little tired and helpless.

he felt a little lost.

she seemed to have suddenly understood something. it was as if she had suddenly let go of the string of the kite in her hand, as if she had seen the young bird in her arms spread its wings and fly away.

she was gratified, but also melancholic.

an xiaowan took a deep breath and asked with a smile, " "you're happier than ever?"

youzi was stunned again.

Was he happier than ever?